SpaceX Docking at the Space Station: Latest Updates

Astronauts dock with space station, fulfilling historic trip to orbit.

The Crew Dragon has arrived.

A SpaceX capsule carrying two NASA astronauts docked at the International Space Station on Sunday morning, less than a day after a historic launch that marked the first time humans had ever traveled to orbit in a spacecraft built and operated by a private company.

The approach of the Crew Dragon proceeded smoothly, about 15 minutes ahead of schedule, with a camera on the space station capturing the red, green and white lights of the capsule as it steadily crept up over the course of a couple of hours. The astronauts, Robert L. Behnken and Douglas G. Hurley, took over manual control for a while, firing the thrusters to nudge the position of the spacecraft, before turning control back to a computer for the final steps leading to docking.

Check out the New York Times page for live updates!

Image credit: Business Insider

SpaceX Launch: Live Updates

When is the launch, and how can I watch it?

On Saturday, for the first time since the retirement of the space shuttles in July 2011, NASA astronauts are scheduled to blast off from American soil on an American rocket to the International Space Station. In contrast to astronaut launches in the past when NASA ran the show, this time a private company, SpaceX, will be in charge of mission control. The company, founded by Elon Musk, built the Falcon 9 rocket and the capsule, Crew Dragon, which the two astronauts will travel in.

The mission is scheduled to lift off at 3:22 p.m. Eastern time from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Coverage of the launch on NASA Television began at 11 a.m.

See the full article here

Image Credit: Steve Nesius/Reuters

10 Ways Students Can Prepare to #BeAnAstronaut

Want to #BeAnAstronaut, but don’t know where to start? Here are some ways you can kick-start your journey! Since the first Artemis class of astronauts graduated on Jan. 10, NASA announced that it will accept applications for a new astronaut class from March 2 to 31. Even if you don’t qualify to #BeAnAstronaut — yet — within NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, or OSTEM, there are ways to get involved with NASA’s missions. Check out the top 10 ways to #BeAnAstronaut:

See all 10 tips here.

📸: #Astronaut Mae Jemison,

I’m a female astronaut who spent 199 days in space and here are my most empowering self-isolation tips

Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut with the European Space Agency, is someone who understands how it feels to be confined to a small space for long periods, more than most. She spent six and a half months in space (199 days to be precise), and up until June 2017, held the record for the longest single space flight by a woman. Here, she shares her tips on self-isolation and making the most of these testing times, exclusively with GLAMOUR. So how can we pace ourselves and adjust to a more confined way of living?

1. Reframe The Experience

Firstly, I must say that being in space wasn’t a struggle for me. Astronauts take it as a huge opportunity being in space. It’s something to enjoy. We knew in advance that we were going to be there. So I would say psychologically reframe this experience and try to make the most of the time. Ask yourself if there are things you can enjoy about it? I am getting to spend a lot more time with my three-year-old daughter, for example.


Read the other tips here.


📸: Universal-Sci


NASA CO2 Conversion Challenge Competitor Pitches in to Help COVID-19 Efforts

A technology that could help humans live on Mars is being used to address an immediate need here on Earth and produce hand sanitizer for a community impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Air Co., a company based in Brooklyn, New York, and competing in NASA’s CO2 Conversion Challenge, is making hand sanitizer with a technology that coverts carbon dioxide into ethanol. The company donates the supplies to local hospitals, doctors’ offices, and police stations.

They’re using the same unique technology to convert carbon dioxide into simple sugar molecules known as D-sugars for the NASA competition. The ability to make D-sugars, such as glucose, in space could be used to create mission-critical products such as plastic, food and medicine.

Read the full article here.


📸: #AirCo

‘Honey, I Shrunk the NASA Payload’ challenge seeks tiny designs for the moon

Do you love adorable, tiny things? Have you ever dreamed of having something you designed land on the moon? If you answered yes to both these questions, you should probably enter NASA’s new competition: “Honey, I Shrunk the NASA Payload.”

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has issued a public challenge for people to design instruments that could support a long-term human presence on the moon. The contest’s name references the hit movie “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,” which debuted in 1989.

Read the full article here.


📸: #NASA

NASA Grant Helps Students Prepare for Their Next Steps

In Bethel’s fluids lab, Jake Stein ’20 adjusts the speed of liquid moving in a Taylor-Couette flow apparatus. He built the apparatus, which features a motor on top of a small, clear cylinder that rotates an inner black cylinder, causing the liquid solution inside to flow. For Stein, the work carries important implications for his future. Along with gaining practical experience, he found his efforts never felt like work. “I love to do it,” he says. “It’s good to know, going into mechanical engineering, I really love to work on a project, design stuff, actually build it, and spend time trying to create something.”

Read the full article here.


📸: Jason Schoonover #BethelUniversity

Geise Group’s Undergraduate Battery Research Project Gets Lift From Virginia Space Grant Consortium

The VIRGINIA SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM recently awarded the GEISE RESEARCH GROUP a grant to support an undergraduate research project. Under the direction and mentorship of assistant professor of chemical engineering GEOFFREY M. GEISE, undergraduate students will work with graduate researchers in Geise’s lab to investigate a new approach to designing polymer electrolyte membranes to make lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries viable for space applications. The project will focus on engineering advanced membranes to be used as battery separators in extreme environments. Batteries made using advanced technologies are expected to be a critical part of addressing space-based energy storage needs associated with NASA’s ARTEMIS MISSION for moon and Mars exploration.

See the original article here.

📸: University of Virginia

Maine astronaut Jessica Meir comes down to Earth after 86.9 million-mile trip

After 205 days in space and 3,280 orbits of Earth, astronaut Jessica Meir landed safely back on earth at 1:16 a.m. EDT in a remote area of Kazakhstan.

Meir, along with  Soyuz Commander Oleg Skripochka and fellow NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan will travel by helicopter to Baikonur after being given preliminary health checks. Meir and Morgan will then board a NASA plane and fly back to Houston.

Read the full article here.


📸: #Click2Houston

The Greatest Show on the East Coast

April 14, 2020 | Lee Cannon

The Milky Way Galaxy. Photo by Brunier/NASA.

New Journeys into the Heart of North Carolina’s Darkness

The Outer Albemarle Peninsula offers some of the darkest skies on the U.S. Atlantic seaboard, with sites for unsurpassed stargazing and a nightscape experience full of wildlife at play under the music of the spheres.

Excerpts from the North Carolina Sea Grant Coastwatch article by Dave ShawRead the full article here.

NC Space Grant supported the Night-Scape Resource Project through a Community Collaborative Research Grant, in partnership with NC State’s Kenan Institute of Engineering, Technology, and Science and North Carolina Sea Grant. East Carolina University’s Department of Geological Sciences and ECU’s Coastal Studies Institute also provided key support.

The Yellowstone of the East

Welcome to the “Yellowstone of the East,” where the Gothic South meets the galaxy. Here on the Outer Albemarle Peninsula, you can stare into the soul of the Milky Way, a gash of glitter across the night sky that formed billions of years before our planet. You can watch the moon rise, feathering cirrus clouds of silver and indigo, or follow the night’s new river of light across a black inlet out to the horizon. Bring your telescope, your binoculars, your sense of adventure, and anyone you know who still believes that reality beats virtual reality.


Read full article here.