college students outdoors holding notebooks, smiling, wearing backpacks

Mississippi Space Grant Consortium Awards 25 Student Scholarships

The College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) celebrates 25 students who have been awarded Space Grant scholarships through the state-wide NASA-Mississippi Space Grant Consortium (MSSGC) program.

This initiative aims to support students and nurture their passion for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) disciplines while providing invaluable support for their academic pursuits. The program is designed to encourage and motivate excellence in student performance and to raise awareness of NASA employment and research opportunities among students with relevant majors at USM.

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Author Credit: Ivonne Kawas

Total Eclipse phases with black background

Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium Supports Penn State Team in National Eclipse Ballooning Project

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A team co-led by the Penn State Student Space Programs Lab (SSPL) has been selected as one of 70 teams to participate in the 2023-24 Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), co-sponsored by NASA and the National Science Foundation.

According to its website, the goal of NEBP is to launch scientific balloons nationwide during the October 2023 and April 2024 solar eclipses to collect and analyze data, while also providing learning opportunities and experiences for STEM college students from several higher education institutions. NEBP, which also operated during the 2017, 2019 and 2020 total solar eclipses, has an engineering track and an atmospheric sciences track. As participants on the engineering track, the SSPL-led team will integrate three payloads, which will operate before, during and after the eclipses: a NASA payload that will live-stream video to the NASA eclipse website, a payload designed by SSPL to measure atmospheric conductivity in situ and a payload designed by Lincoln University that will detect solar wind.

Read the full article on here.

Read more about the NEBP here.

Author Credit: Sarah Small

Collage of 6 photos of each of the students: From left to right, top to bottom: Riley Nick, Jonathan Perkins, Logan Burnett, James Walts, Trent Culverhouse, and Margaret Birks.

Six UAB students awarded NASA Alabama Space Grant Consortium scholarships

Six University of Alabama at Birmingham students have been awarded NASA Alabama Space Grant Consortium research scholarships.

Under the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, the Alabama Space Grant Consortium is a supportive network of seven research universities and institutions in the state of Alabama. Operating under the primary mission of motivating and inspiring the next generation of aerospace researchers, the program seeks to educate promising undergraduate students in the fields of space science and technology.

Read the full article on here.

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Senior biology major Colleen Bue holds a hibernating ground squirrel in Drew's lab in the Irving Building at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska. Senior biology major Colleen Bue assists Professor Kelly Drew with her research involving hibernating ground squirrels in Drew's lab at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Alaska Space Grant Supports Research on Hibernating Squirrels to Help Astronauts!

Throwback Thursday!

Can studying sleeping Arctic ground squirrels help astronauts and further NASA’s mission? Dr. Kelly Drew and her students studied hibernating squirrels and their ability to retain muscle and bone mass during extended hibernation and they think it could apply to astronauts.

Drew, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in Fairbanks, Alaska was awarded funds though through NASA Space Grant. Through the Alaska Space Grant Consortium, over 200 students and faculty have had the opportunity to further their research in areas such as – code and testing of autonomous systems, cameras to detect free electrons, and studying various characteristics of glaciers.


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Image Credit: Credits: Todd Paris, University of Alaska

Author Credit:

Veronica Wilson
Space Grant Liaison

Sarah Mann
NASA Armstrong Public Affairs
Editor: Cody Lydon
Nine University of Rhode Island students are the recipients of NASA R.I. Space Grants that will enable them to do NASA-related research. Pictured are: top from left, Oliver Carey, Katie Roche and Michelle Stage; bottom from left, Sophia Motta, Miguel Alessandro Lopez, Samantha Adams and Julie Maurer.

Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium Awards Scholarships & Fellowships

KINGSTON, R.I. – May 18, 2023 – Nine students at the University of Rhode Island are the recipients of NASA R.I. Space Grants for this summer and/or next fall. The research grants are awarded by the NASA Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium.

Miguel Alessandro Lopez, Aubrey Laity, Julie Maurer, Katie Roche and Michelle Stage were awarded Graduate Student Fellowships, while undergraduates Samantha Adams, Oliver Carey, Charles McInerney and Sophia Motta received research scholarships from the program.

Read the full article on The University of Rhode Island’s “Rhody Today”

Author & Image Credit: Tony LaRoche | Rhody Today

A student from the North Dakota School for the Blind tests out one of UND’s space helmets. Photo by Walter Criswell/UND Today.

North Dakota Space Grant Consortium Makes Space for Everyone

The NASA Space Grant Consortium, a nationwide effort started by NASA to increase interest and engagement in STEM and space studies in K-12 and university students, invited students with visual impairment from the North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind for a tour of the University’s comprehensive Space Studies facilities on May 1.

The North Dakota Space Grant Consortium, a part of NASA’s consortia, is housed in UND’s Clifford Hall and seeks to connect Space Studies students and faculty with NASA expertise and research.

Read the full article on the UND Today website.

Image Credit: Photo by Walter Criswell/UND Today.

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ISU Student Wins NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium Internship to Research Extremophiles in Deep Ocean

A summer research project by an Idaho State University student may give us some insight into what life might look like across the cosmos.

Recently, Rhys Ellis, a senior honors microbiology student from Boise, Idaho, was awarded a NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium Summer Internship. Over the summer months, Ellis is analyzing samples of deep-sea sediments and uncovering what types of earth’s hardiest organisms – known as extremophiles – call these sediments home.
“To investigate whether life exists on other planets and where it can be found,” explains Ellis, “we need to develop a better understanding of what kinds of life call Earth’s extreme habitats home. It’s theorized that life on this planet began with microbes in deep sea vents, so further understanding of how microbes in the deep sea make their living will provide valuable insights as to if similar conditions could support life elsewhere, especially in other planets which also contain oceans.”
Article Credit: Idaho State University
Image Credit: Idaho State University
Greenhouse NASA Image. Green leafy plants shown in laboratory space, growing inside glass tube.

Arkansas Space Grant Funds Research on “Martian Greenhouse”

Arkansas Space Grant Consortium grant awarded to SAU Chemistry and Agriculture Departments – Is a Martian greenhouse possible?

The Arkansas Space Grant Consortium board voted to fund Dr. Gija Geme, Dr. Tim Schroeder of chemistry, and Dr. Copie Moore of agriculture on a joint venture to explore the feasibility of growing crops such as soybeans, corn, lettuce, kale, and more, in a Mars soil simulant that is improved with fertilizer to add micronutrients. The team received $50,000 from NASA funding through Arkansas Space Grant Consortium in the spring of 2023.

Read the full article on the Southern Arkansas University News website.


Author Credit: #SAU

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New Jersey Space Grant Consortium Awards Research Funding to Five Students at Georgian Court University

The sky is not the limit! Five GCU students were awarded NASA NJ Space Grants for undergraduate research for the 2022-2023 academic school year. Each student received a $2,000 stipend from NASA for space-related research projects, guided by a faculty member in their respective fields which span across the sciences, including the social sciences. Facilitated by the grant, these research projects are conducted on-site at Georgian Court University.

Casey Korman, a junior from Sayreville, NJ majoring in Exercise Science on the pre-occupational therapy track, has worked with a team to study The Effects of Blood Flow Restriction on Peak Power and Electromyography. She has conducted her research alongside four other students – Mathias Madersbacher, Joseph Liberatore, Joseph Sauchelli, and Gabriele Balkius – all under the guidance of Vincent Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Exercise Science. Casey served as the student leader of the team.


Read the full article on here.


Author Credit: PSC (Princeton Strategic Communications)

Image Credit: Georgian Court University

Dr. Sara Nelson, smiling for a professional headshot wearing a black blazer

New Iowa Space Grant Consortium Director Named – Dr. Sara Nelson

The Iowa Space Grant Consortium (ISGC) has announced Dr. Sara D. Nelson as its new director. The NASA-supported agency is part of Iowa State’s Department of Aerospace Engineering and works to improve and inspire Iowa’s involvement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.

Nelson has previously served as the ISGC as NASA Iowa EPSCoR interim director and assistant director for education and outreach. Nelson also holds a faculty position in Iowa State’s School of Education and conducts research in STEM education and uses her expertise to work alongside the Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program, developing STEM educational programs and STEM literacy outreach across the state of Iowa.


Read the full article on the ISU website here.


Author Credit: John Burnett-Larkins

Image Credit: Iowa State University College of Engineering News