NASA Teacher Intern, Maria Royle, demonstrates how to modify the cube to be more fully accessible to students with visual impairments.

SC, NC, & ND Space Grant Consortia Partner in IDEAS Program – My NASA Data

Adapting STEM Lessons for Students with Disabilities Using My NASA Data

In early May 2022, NASA released a new instructional video for educators featuring the My NASA Data “Exploring Sea Level Rise with Others” lesson plan and showing strategies for engaging all students in data analysis. This new video is part of the Innovative Differentiated Exploration Activities in Space Science (IDEAS) program through Space Grant consortia from North Carolina, South Carolina, and North Dakota, an effort towards integrating accessible and inclusive space science activities for students with disabilities (specifically, students who are blind or low vision, hearing impaired, and/or nonverbal).

The My NASA Data lesson featured in the video is a climate change resource for students in grades 6-12 and highlights adaptations for students with disabilities. The video demonstrates how to use and explore NASA data visualizations with My NASA Data’s Data Literacy Cube resources, which are designed to support multilingual learners. The video also models differentiation methods for making the lesson more fully accessible to students who may be blind or have low-vision.

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Image Credit: NASA

Author Credit: NASA

NASA’s Space Tech Prize

Alaska Space Grant Consortium Director Selected for NASA’s Space Tech Prize

NASA’s Space Tech Prize Bolsters Diversity, Inclusivity Champions

NASA selected the first winners of the agency’s Space Tech Catalyst prize to expand engagement with underrepresented and diverse individuals in the space technology sector as part of the agency’s broader commitment to inclusivity and collaboration. The winners are receiving $25,000 each to create more inclusive space technology ecosystems.

“As NASA continues to explore the unknown, making the impossible possible, we are committed to engaging talents from all backgrounds to advance exploration,” said Shahra Lambert, NASA senior advisor for engagement. “By providing funding to this space technology community, NASA is ensuring the Artemis Generation will have the necessary tools to expand humanity’s reach.”

  • Dr. Denise Thorsen, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Director of Alaska Space Grant Consortium

For the full article and full list of awardees, visit

Image Credit: NASA

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Jimi Russell
Headquarters, Washington

Gerelle Dodson
Headquarters, Washington

total solar eclipse with corona visible

Students Who are Blind or Low Vision Participating in Total Solar Eclipse Project

Local groups help blind people experience the eclipse

INDIANAPOLIS — As the date of the total solar eclipse gets closer, there is something for everyone to look forward to including an opportunity for people who are blind or visually impaired to experience the eclipse.

“People have been trying to do a device like this for decades and we think we have finally cracked it,” said Wunji Lau, the director of marketing at Tactile Engineering.

It’s been a long time coming but a revolutionary change in technology is allowing visually impaired and blind people to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event.

“It feels great to be able to get to this point where an event like the eclipse, an event like the races at the speedway, are going to be accessible to blind people and people who have only been able to access them just by hearing or just by description,” Lau said.

This is all made possible through a partnership between Tactile Engineering and NearSpace Education.

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Image Credit: NASA

Nevada Space Grant Student Awarded Summer NASA Internship in Journalism

While she has had several internships over the last few years, Origenes’ experience as the community outreach intern for NASA has brought a new opportunity to merge two of her interests together: digital communication and astronomy.  

Origenes began her remote internship at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in August and has been tasked with creating social media aimed at engaging local communities in science with the younger generation in mind. Ahead of the total eclipse happening in April 2024—an event that won’t happen again for another 21 years in the United States—Origenes believes this internship is a once in a lifetime experience.  

Read the full article on Nevada Today.

Author Credit: Grace Moreno

Image Credit: Nevada Today

Original Post Date: October 17, 2023

Abigail Urbina ’24 M.S., Anais Gardere ’24 M.S., Dr. Anna Kloc, Sagar Bhatta ’23 M.S., Aravinda Pentela ’24 M.S. in lab coats

Faculty, Students Collaborate on Innovative Connecticut Space Grant Supported Research

For Katie Durkee ’24 M.S., the opportunities she’s had to conduct research have enabled her to pursue her interests and discover new passions. A strong believer in the ability of research to help yield new discoveries, she hopes her own work can play an important role in furthering knowledge and innovation on Earth – and beyond.

Durkee is reaching for the stars with her research, which was recently awarded a graduate research grant from the NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC). Her project explores the development of self-healing polymers from biomass (organic) resources for space-related applications. Petroleum resources are currently used to generate polymers, she explains, and these are expected to become increasingly depleted in the coming decades.

Read the full article on University of New Haven’s News page.

Author Credit:  Renee Chmiel

Image Credit: University of New Haven

Original Post Date: July 27, 2023

Student volunteers prepare a balloon for a morning launch in Cumberland, Md. On April 8, eclipse day, hundreds of balloons will be launched into the path of the eclipse to study the atmosphere.

Many Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project Teams Sponsored by local NASA Space Grant Consortia

On eclipse day, hundreds of students will send up balloons for science

CUMBERLAND, Md. — It’s a chilly March morning, and Mary Bowden is standing in the parking lot of a local community college.

Bowden is a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Maryland. Nearby, her students are hustling around on a bright blue tarp, rolling out heavy cylinders of compressed gas and fiddling with boxes of electronics.

“This is our final, final dress rehearsal,” Bowden says as she surveys the scene.

At the start of next month, a total solar eclipse will sweep across the continental United States. It will begin in Texas and move north through a dozen states before exiting the country through Maine and into Canada.

On eclipse day — April 8 — dozens of student teams across the country will release hundreds of research balloons. The balloons will carry long, dangling strings of scientific instruments into the path of totality, the area on Earth’s surface that will see the moon completely block the sun.

The effort, known as the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project, is backed by NASA. It’s an opportunity to make unique atmospheric measurements that can only be done during an eclipse, and a chance for students to learn skills they may someday use to launch satellites and astronauts into orbit. Bowden is guiding the University of Maryland team, which is made up of about 30 to 40 students.

Read the full story on NPR.

Author Credit: Geoff Brumfiel

Image Credit: Meredith Rizzo for NPR

Ashton Ventura, a metallurgical engineering student, cleans the surface of a titanium sample before spot-welding a thermocouple

Missouri Space Grant Supports Seventeen Student Interns & Fellows in NASA Research

Seventeen students from Missouri S&T are conducting NASA-funded research that may directly affect the space agency’s work.

These students are interns and fellows as part of the Missouri Space Grant Consortium, which is administered by Missouri S&T.

Since the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program was established in 1989, Missouri S&T has led the NASA initiative for the state of Missouri for most of its existence. NASA has one program for each of the 50 states, plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., with the goal of further developing the nation’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)-related workforce.

Read the full article: on Missouri University of Science and Technology “News and Events.”

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Image Credit: Ashton Ventura

Original Post Date: December 19, 2023

A rocket carrying NASA mission equipment lifts off in New Zealand in May. Three Utah State University engineering students — Adam Weaver, Payton Taylor, and Bryan Gricius — were awarded funding on behalf of the Utah Space Grant Consortium for internships this past summer working on rocket propulsion and space exploration equipment.

Utah Space Grant Supports Three Utah State University Student Internships

Three Utah State University engineering students were awarded funding on behalf of the Utah Space Grant Consortium for internships this past summer.

Adam Weaver, a recent graduate student at USU studying mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace engineering, and Payton Taylor, a senior also studying mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace engineering, received $6,200 each for their internships at Northrop Grumman. They worked in the propulsion systems department for four months.

“I was very thankful for this opportunity and excited that I was a recipient,” Weaver said. “The internship was a great experience.”

In addition to Weaver and Taylor, Bryan Gricius, who also graduated with a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, received funding for his internship at the Space Dynamics Laboratory as an opto-mechanical engineering intern. His job was to assist in the development and construction of a space telescope.

Read the full article on Utah State TODAY.

Author Credit: Sydney Dahle

Image Credit: NASA

NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft is dramatically lit for a “glamour shot,” captured before its Jan. 12, 2024, rollout at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale where the airplane was constructed.

Five NASA Space Grant Consortia Teams Selected for NASA OSTEM Quesst Community Overflights

NASA has issued new grants to five universities to help develop education plans for the community overflight phase of the agency’s Quesst mission, which aims to demonstrate the possibility of supersonic flight without the typical loud sonic booms.

The new grants, from NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, will provide each university team with $40,000 to develop science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) engagement strategic implementation plans for those Quesst community overflights. The awards will focus on plans for engaging with students and educators in the communities that NASA will eventually select for overflights. This will help ensure communities are accurately informed about this phase of Quesst and what involvement in the mission will look like for their community.

“The Quesst mission is unique at NASA, with community input playing a major part in its success,” said Eric Miller, deputy mission integration manager for Quesst. “These new awards will allow NASA to learn from other STEM professionals, informing us as we develop a framework to effectively engage with students and educators.”

The selected institutions and their projects, are:

  • Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin – STEM Quesst, Wisconsin Space Grant
  • Cornell University, Ithaca, New York –Quesst Community Overflight STEM Engagement New York Space Grant Consortium
  • Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia – Engaging the National NASA Space Grant Network in Support of the Quesst Community Overflight STEM Engagement
  • University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico – Space Grant Quesst Community Overflight STEM Engagement: Sounds of Our World
  • University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California – California Space Grant Planning Support for the Quesst Community Overflight STEM Engagement


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Author Credit: Lauren E. Low

Image Credit: Lockheed Martin / Michael Jackson

Cameron Miller & Dr. Aaron Coyner

Oregon Space Grant Consortium Supports Southwestern Oregon Community College Student Research Award

Southwestern Oregon Community College wishes to congratulate our S.P.E.A.R. (STEAM Pathways Experimental & Academic Research) Team Member Cameron Miller for being selected for a 2023-24 Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) Student Academic Research Review (STARR) award in the amount of $3,000 for Nuclear Propulsion research.

Cameron is currently a sophomore Mechanical Engineering student at Southwestern and plans to transfer into the Nuclear Engineering program at Oregon State University (OSU) after he graduates. For his research project, Cameron will be investigating the current state of research into nuclear propulsion systems with particular applications to aerospace.

Read the full article on Cannon Beach Gazette.

Author Credit: Cannon Beach Gazette

Image Credit: Cannon Beach Gazette