Arizona Space Grant Consortium
Arizona State Team Engineering Projects

An important Arizona Space Grant component at Arizona State University is multi-disciplinary, student-led and directed, team research/engineering and design projects. Through these, participants learn to work as team members, are held to industry standards for deliverables, must complete tasks on schedule, communicate about technical work to professionals, peers, and the public, and work side-by-side with science and engineering faculty, researchers, NASA and industry professionals. Scientists and engineers in training learn to apply classroom knowledge to solve real-world problems, positively impacting their educations and future employability in industry while contributing to science and technology development. Sub-element activity reports contained herein summarize four FY 2018 ASU Team Engineering Programs; Daedalus Astronautics, Robotics Team, Sun Devil Satellite Lab (SDSL) and Next Level Devils. Participation in a separate effort, the statewide ASCEND and Solar Eclipse balloon-sat programs, are reported as AZSGC statewide research activities in the ASCEND activity reports in OEPM. ASUs team projects are carried out by both volunteers and paid Space Grant Scholars (all student awards reported in Arizona State_Undergraduate Scholarships Program Activity Report). Teams are provided a budget to cover materials costs, travel to competitions, and presentations at conferences. Many of the teams also participate in Informal Education and Public Outreach activities through on-campus events and off-campus school visits (see Informal Education sub-element report associated with Arizona State_Undergraduate Scholarships).