Florida Space Grant Consortium
Florida Space Research Program
The purpose of this grant program is to support the expansion and diversification of Floridas aerospace industry by addressing workforce development and increasing statewide academic involvement in space research, technology development, engineering, education and training programs that are consistent with the states space industry priorities.
The goal is to support NASA related interdisciplinary research projects emphasizing work-force development with undergraduate and graduate students.
a. SMART Objective On an annual basis, at least 10 research projects will be competitively awarded. At least three of these research project awards will be awarded to a minority serving institution and/or include minority participation. At least 10 undergraduate or graduate students will be supported by the projects, including at least 2 women and 2 under-represented minorities.
b. Metrics Number of research projects awarded annually by FSGC. Number of research projects awarded annually by FSGC which include minority serving institutions and/or minority participation.