Moon to Mars eXploration Systems and Habitation (M2M X-Hab) Academic Innovation Challenge

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Program Eligibility

Proposals will be accepted from faculty who are U.S. citizens and currently teach an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)-accredited engineering senior or graduate design, industrial design, or architecture curriculum teaming course at a university affiliated with the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, or other US accredited university. Multidisciplinary, multi-departmental, and/or multi-institutional teaming collaborations are highly encouraged.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges, and other minority-serving educational institutions are particularly encouraged to apply. Proposals from women, members of underrepresented minorities groups, and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged.

In order to fully comply with the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Export Administration Regulations (EAR), participation in the M2M X-Hab program by citizens of controlled countries, as defined in Part 768.1.d is prohibited.  This restriction applies to all faculty members, staff, students, consultants, and any other individual that participates in the M2M X-Hab program. For the current “Controlled Countries” list, reference EAR Part 768.1d